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Vendor Showcase - Longwoods International
Thursday, December 10, 2020, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EDT
Category: Events

Partner Week – Vendor Showcase 


Longwoods International - Travel USA® is the largest ever study of American travelers with over 300,000 trips per-year in its data set, providing destinations across the U.S. insights about their visitors and market trends to inform marketing decisions, drive advocacy conversations, and build tourism product tailored to their visitor. In 2019 Longwoods International brought the power of this data to Compass, an intuitive online platform that enables users to access and custom process their data from anywhere. Join the Longwoods team to learn about how DMOs are using Travel USA® to drive decision making and how to navigate Compass to answer your biggest visitor questions.

Presented by Anna Blount and Andria Godfrey

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