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Vendor Showcase - MMGY Travel Intelligence
Wednesday, December 09, 2020, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM EDT
Category: Events

Partner Week – Vendor Showcase 



MMGY Travel Intelligence – Join Cheryl Schutz as she reviews: The SHIFFLET TRAVELPERFORMANCE/Monitor℠ which estimates travel volume and profiles travelers on where they go, why they go, where they stay, the activities they engage in, how much money they spend and more; 2021 Portrait of the American Traveler, an exclusive report that answers the most pressing questions about American leisure travelers, including how travelers research, plan and book travel, and what types of messaging strategies are most likely to influence them; and MMGY conducts custom research in numerous travel categories, including lodging, destinations, transportation, gaming, cruise lines, car rentals, airlines, vacation ownership and attractions.


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